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About us


If we really want something new, we have to start thinking from the basics. When we decided that we wanted to create a safe and fragrance-free product line, we saw that we had to put aside the solutions used in the cosmetics industry. We need to find new ingredients and methods so that the brand can credibly advertise its freedom and fulfill its promise: irritation-free body care. We had to rediscover natural materials and filter out those that could irritate sensitive skin. All Dermaflora products are the fruit of this discovery work.

When the idea of ​​the products was conceived in our heads, “exemption” was hardly a consideration for the manufacturers of the big cosmetic brands. At that time, anyone looking for fragrance-free deodorant or shower gel had difficulty finding the right products on the secluded shelves of stores, in the depths of webshops. At that time, exempt products were still considered a curiosity next to mainstream brands. The big manufacturers offered dozens of products that were loaded with fragrances, texture improvers and other auxiliary materials. Because of this, consumers with allergies or sensitive skin could not use these products.

Some of the consumers struggled day by day with milder, stronger allergy complaints, which could be caused by, among other things, fragrances and other auxiliary substances. In addition, everyone smelled: we could wear the aromas of the morning shower, deodorant and perfume at the same time. In fact, it is unnecessary to use so many fragrances. This is also a bad habit in the cosmetics industry that we wanted to get rid of. This idea led to the creation of Dermaflora.


Dermaflora’s first product line, the Sensitive series, was created in the name of complete immunity. When creating it, we were inspired by the question: Is it possible to create cosmetics that can be used by anyone? That is, they contain so few additives that they do not irritate even the most delicate skin – so we can be sure that even the most sensitive skin need not be afraid of them. A product that does not contain unnecessary or allergenic substances would have a safe and gentle deodorizing or cleaning effect.

Dermaflora Sensitive products were released after several years of development – due to our strict standards. Just one example: we had to create a composition that was not only odorless, but would not discolor, oxidize, or deteriorate over time in the summer heat. If natural ingredients are used, care must also be taken to ensure that the finished product is not perishable. The efforts were finally crowned with success, and the popularity of the Dermaflora Sensitive product line is still unbroken today.

Since then, products with a mild fragrance have been added to Dermaflora’s range – some of our customers like the fragrances that we use in small quantities. But the main promise of Dermaflora remains unchanged: no known allergenic substances can enter the products, the cleaning or deodorizing effect, as well as the fragrances, are achieved by combining natural ingredients or other non-allergenic active ingredients. However, natural origin is not enough for us: we only use plants that have been proven not to cause any allergic reactions.

Because for us, safety and efficiency are our primary concerns.